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Shop Animations


L'Experience Sensorielle

Saison 2024

Visitez la Rhumerie Artisanale Darwinn Rhums Bassin d'Arcachon

The animations

Visitez la rhumerie artisanale Darwinn Rhums, installée à La Teste de Buch depuis juin 2019.


Vivez une expérience immersive et sensorielle et découvrez les secrets de fabrication de nos rhums arrangés.

Au travers de notre partenaire, la distillerie Reimonenq Guadeloupe, vous apprendrez les étapes de distillation et vieillissement du rhum agricole antillais.


Une expérience sensorielle pour mettre vos sens à contribution

Nous avons aménagé nos zones de visites afin de vous proposer une expérience immersive originale.

Observez : découvrez nos zones de production en immersion dans différentes ambiances thématisées. Des supports audiovisuels vous permettent de découvrir les  coulisses de la fabrication de nos produits.


Sentez : vivez une expérience olfactive tout au long de votre visite.

De l'ambiance des zones aux ingrédients que nous utilisons dans nos rhums, votre odorat sera mis à contribution.


Ecoutez : les ambiances sonores et les explications live des  producteurs Darwinn.


Goûtez : une sélection d'ingrédients bruts utilisés dans nos recettes. Point culminant de votre visite : une dégustation de la gamme des Rhums Arrangés Darwinn* !


*Formules accompagnants disponibles. La consommation d'alcool est interdite aux mineurs de moins de 18 ans.


Dates d'ouverture des visites libres (formule 1)

saison 2 printemps / été 2024 :

(pour les autres formules sur réservation merci de nous contacter)


Découvrez nos 6 formules de visite

pour la saison 2 de 2024


The animations

One Thursday a month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., these are the Discovery Afterwork:

a free guided tasting of the Arrangés Darwinn range.

Places are open but you can nevertheless reserve if you wish. 

The animations

The Darwinn rums team welcomes you to participate in Food / Rum Pairings during themed evenings. Live with friends a guided tasting of rums accompanied by homemade dishes and according to the theme of the tasting.

Musical atmosphere and theming of the decorations according to the proposed theme guaranteed! 

These formulas are offered on specific dates and by reservation because places are limited.

Discounts on store products are available during these events. 

Non-alcoholic formulas for accompanying persons are also offered at preferential rates.


The animations
group on demand 

Do you want to organize a private event between friends  or within the framework of your company?

We offer you a tailor-made service with a visit to our production premises. 

You can choose different options from our food/rum pairing formulas.

Don't wait to visit us and enjoy a trip with friends around the world, around rum!

Contact us :


or by phone at 09 87 01 17 60

(Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.



Do you want to organize a private event between friends  or within the framework of your company?

We offer you a tailor-made service with a visit to our production premises. 

You can choose different options from our food/rum pairing formulas.

Don't wait to visit us and enjoy a trip with friends around the world, around rum!

Contact us :


or by phone at 09 87 01 17 60

(Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Rolls Garnis


Chips Tortillas

Guacamole maison


Fruits frais de saison


The animations

One Thursday a month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., these are the Discovery Afterwork:

a free guided tasting of the Arrangés Darwinn range.

Places are open but you can nevertheless reserve if you wish. 

The animations

Visite sensorielle de la Rhumerie et Atelier Mixologie autour des rhums Darwinn.

Julien notre Mixologue Ambassadeur vous accompagnera dans la création de cocktails originaux.

Accompagnements : 

Chips Tortillas

avec guacamole maison

Minimum de personnes

requises : 5  personnes 

Tarif individuel : 55 €



Par téléphone

09 87 01 17 60

Par mail

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JULIEN B.E-28_copy.jpg
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Formule 6

Le Cigare Club* 

Sur réservation,
disponible à partir de juin 2024.

*animation extérieure soumise aux aléas météorologiques . Nous ne fournissons ni ne vendons les cigares.

Apportez et savourez vos cigares sur une dégustation de la gamme Rhums vieux Reimonenq. Un nouvel espace extérieur spécialement aménagé vous accueille pour pour savourer vos cigares favoris.

Rhums Proposés :

Ambré 2 ans

Kou de Foudre 19 mois

JR 4 ans

Première Cuvée 4 ans

Grande Réserve 7 ans

Cuvée Prestige 9 ans

Accompagnements en accord avec les rhums dégustés :

Pruneaux roulés au fromage frais

Assiette de fromage et toasts

Fruits frais de saison

Chocolats Grands crus Bean To Bar Hasnaâ 



Tarif individuel : 40 

Tarif groupe : 37 €

( à partir de 10 personnes)



Par téléphone

09 87 01 17 60

Par mail

Évènements spéciaux, privatisation

The Darwinn rums team welcomes you to participate in Food / Rum Pairings during themed evenings. Live with friends a guided tasting of rums accompanied by homemade dishes and according to the theme of the tasting.

Musical atmosphere and theming of the decorations according to the proposed theme guaranteed! 

These formulas are offered on specific dates and by reservation because places are limited.

Discounts on store products are available during these events. 

Non-alcoholic formulas for accompanying persons are also offered at preferential rates.



Darwinn Original Shop / Rhums Reimonenq

Darwinn&Co Rhumeries

1455 Avenue du Parc des Expositions



Par téléphone au

09 87 01 17 60

Du lundi au vendredi de 10h00 à18h00

le samedi de 10h00 à 13h00

Par mail :



1 Purpose and scope

These general conditions of sale are intended to define the contractual conditions for the organization and sale of events produced by the Darwinn Original Shop, located at 1455 avenue du parc des expositions, 33260 La Teste De Buch under the aegis of SAS DARWINN & CO. RUMERIES. These present conditions do not concern the products sold and presented on the online shop of Darwinn rums, referring themselves to the general conditions of sale of the online shop. SAS DARWINN & CO. RHUMERIES organizes its events as part of the discovery of its products and the products of its partners. In accordance with French law, only people  who are over the age of 18 are authorized to book and  to participate in the activities._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

2 Services

The services offered for reservation are for the most part services including guided and themed tastings, paying and with limited places. Tasting events are scheduled on specific dates. Paid activities include a tasting service of Darwinn rums and/or its direct partners as well as a food accompaniment service in connection with the event. The complete services and their content are described in the description of each of them. Darwinn SAS reserves the right to modify the content of the items offered at any time and to offer equivalent items. The products served are included according to the description of the service. SAS DARWINN & CO. being neither a catering provider nor a drinking establishment, no additional product can therefore be ordered and invoiced outside of the service offered. 

3 Reservations

Reservations and payments are made directly on the site However, it is possible to book directly on site at the Darwinn Original Shop at the latest 48 hours before the service. It is possible to book and pay for a maximum of 4 people.  

4 Cancellations

SAS DARWINN & CO. reserves the right to cancel or postpone the events organized at any time. In this case, participants who have already booked and paid for their services will be notified 48 hours at the latest of the cancellation and will be fully refunded. In the event of a cancellation request from the participant(s), they must notify the organizer no later than 48 hours before the event of their cancellation and may in this case request a full refund of the sums paid. Otherwise, SAS DARWINN & CO reserves the right to retain the sums paid when booking. 

5 Responsibility of participants

SAS DARWINN & CO organizes these events as part of the promotion of its productions and partner products. These events are organized in a supervised manner with the aim of sharing a moment of conviviality, discovery and exchange with the Darwinn production team. SAS DARWINN & CO is in no way intended, through these events, to encourage participants to abuse alcohol and also recalls that alcohol abuse is dangerous for health and that It is advisable to consume it in moderation. SAS DARWINN & CO encourages participants to make arrangements so as not to take any risk to their health and that of others and provides free alcohol test devices to participants during events. Non-alcoholic formulas are also offered at a reduced price to accompanying participants who do not drink alcohol. For more information on this service, please contact the Darwinn Original Shop team. 


Plan du site 

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L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé. A consommer avec modération.


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